To start a new KYC-Process, a new record has to be created. In order to do so, select the tab “Add” and make sure that KYCnow is set for “Private customers”. You should now see the following Screen:
First give your record an individual name. Additionally, please choose the purpose of the business relation, whether you are brokering a purchase contract or a rental/lease contract with a monthly payment >10.000€. Next, we ask you to declare whether your contracting party is an individual or a group of persons. By selecting the type of contracting party additional fields appear in which you are asked to give more information on the contracting party: The necessary information is:
- First name
- Last name
- Acting for own account or acting for account of a third party
- Country of residence
Further information is to be given later on.
If you are creating a record for a group of persons, you can add several persons to the contract party group. This may be the case, for example, in a real estate transaction with spouses. This group can be as large as you like and can be expanded using the “Add”-Button or reduced using the wastebasket-icon.
Please note that persons, with whom the record was created, cannot be removed of the record going forward. The same goes for the business purpose. Further persons can always be added, later on.
Once you click “create record” the record is moved to “New records” while you are automatically forwarded to the next necessary step “Identify Persons”
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