Name Screening
It is checked whether the company, its legal representatives, beneficial owners, and individuals involved are listed on screening lists such as PEP (Politically Exposed Persons), sanctions, terrorism, embargo, blacklists, and watchlists.
High-Risk Countries
It is checked whether the company, its legal representatives, beneficial owners, and individuals involved operate in countries defined as high-risk by the FATF (Financial Action Task Force).
Risk Industries
It is checked whether the company, its legal representatives, beneficial owners, and individuals involved operate in industries associated with higher levels of risk.
You have the option to define the risk countries and industries yourself under "Risk".
In this regard, you can first download and edit the standard document. You have the option to exclude or include countries/industries from the assessment. Afterwards, you can upload the edited document as a CSV file. Once a custom list has been uploaded, only this list will be taken into consideration.
Open records will be assessed according to the custom list after successful upload. Closed records will retain their status.