Here you have the possibility to gather the relevant data of all persons involved in the KYC-Process. At the top you are given unchangeable general information about the record, namely who created it, the time when the record was created, as well as the reason for the record (here the reason “identification” is preselected) and the purpose of the business relationship.
Beneath you will find the person(s) with whom the record was created. While they cannot be fully removed from the file anymore, you can still add additional basic data. Thus a record always consists of at least one person in the role as contract partner.
By clicking on “Add Data” further additional fields will appear in which you can record the data necessary for identification.
More persons can be added using the “Add Person”-Button at the bottom end of the page. When you add another person to a business relationship with a single person, the added person can be assigned one of the following roles:
In the case of a business relationship with a group of persons, you can add additional individuals to the group; these are automatically assigned a role as contract partner. Under “Persons in the KYC file”, you can also add persons who are not members of the group of persons. Here you can assign one of the following roles to the persons:
Persons added in this manner can removed again.
Please add all persons in their respective rolls who are involved in the initiation of the business.
Once you have identified a person to your satisfaction and filled in the according fields, please mark this person as “Identified”. Under the tab “Overview” you can always see, who has already been identified and who hasn’t. As long as a record hasn’t been closed, you can make changes to the data.